Top 5 Stories You've Missed This Week…

 You’ve missed a lot this week again, stop slacking! Catch up and laugh, cry and gasp! Enjoy! Don’t Boil Your Iphone 6 In Coca Cola One very brave and money wasting YouTuber boiled his Iphone 6 in Coca Cola, what happens is very interesting… Britney Spears Sparks New Photoshop Row! BMA wrote a post regarding…

Top 5 Amazing News Items You Missed This Week…

It’s been a busy week in the world of humans, here’s BMA’s Top 5 stories that excite, thrill and scare us! Enjoy! Kendall Jenner Slammed by fellow Model The Kardashian’s are used to getting their share of bad press and this week it wasn’t all about Kim and her naked booty, but the clan’s newest model; Kendall…